Michelle O'Neil,Writer

Writing, yoga, books, family, dogs, hope

Aside from being a writer, I am an RN, working in the field of addiction treatment. A patient recently told me that because she is no longer spending every dollar on street drugs, she is able to buy little presents for her grandchildren, and it makes her feel SO GOOD to be able to give them these things! This is what keeps her motivated.

It reminded me of when I was a teenager working at CVS, and I would bring home cheap little Matchbox cars for my toddler twin brothers, and they would be thrilled, and I just loved that feeling of making them happy.

Maybe you are someone who finds it difficult to receive? A compliment, a gift, a favor. Love. I know I often have a hard time with receiving these things.

Perhaps we can remember this woman, and how much it truly means to be able to give, and not take that away from someone else. May we make it a practice to graciously receive. 🤟❤️